bundletool dump命令使用守则

bundletool dump命令使用守则

Posted by 坏人 on September 1, 2021

谷歌最新的aab文件需要获取信息 可以用bundletool的dump命令来获取。下列是相关的命令行指令

Description: Prints files or extract values from the bundle in a human-readable form.


1. Prints the AndroidManifest.xml of the base module:
$ bundletool dump manifest --bundle=/tmp/app.aab

2. Prints the versionCode of the bundle of the base module:
$ bundletool dump manifest --bundle=/tmp/app.aab --

3. Prints all the resources present in the bundle:
$ bundletool dump resources --bundle=/tmp/app.aab

4. Prints a resource's configs from its resource ID:
$ bundletool dump resources --bundle=/tmp/app.aab --resource=0x7f0e013a

5. Prints a resource's configs and values from its resource type & name:
$ bundletool dump resources --bundle=/tmp/app.aab --resource=drawable/icon

6. Prints the content of the bundle configuration file:
$ bundletool dump config --bundle=/tmp/app.aab

Synopsis: bundletool dump <manifest|resources|config> –bundle= [--module=] [--resource=<0x7f030001>] [--values] [--xpath=</manifest/@android:versionCode>]

Flags: –bundle: Path to the Android App Bundle.

--module: (Optional) Name of the module to apply the dump for. Only applies
    when dumping the manifest. Defaults to 'base'.

--resource: (Optional) Name or ID of the resource to lookup. Only applies
    when dumping resources. If a resource ID is provided, it can be
    specified either as a decimal or hexadecimal integer. If a resource name

    is provided, it must follow the format '<type>/<name>', e.g.

--values: (Optional) When set, also prints the values of the resources.
    Defaults to false. Only applies when dumping the resources.

--xpath: (Optional) XPath expression to extract the value of attributes from

    the XML file being dumped. Only applies when dumping the manifest.